How to organize files and folders on your iPhone
Learn how to reduce clutter and better organize your files.
Over time, our iPhones naturally collect files, whether from the internet, family and friends, or things we want to reference later.
Without a system in place, this can quickly turn into a messy pile of clutter.
This article introduces the PARA method, a simple framework to help you organize files on your iPhone.
Understanding the PARA method
The PARA method, developed by Tiago Forte, is a framework for organizing digital information.
It categorizes everything into four simple groups: Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive.
Projects: Short-term activities or efforts you're working on.
Areas: Long-term responsibilities and ongoing commitments.
Resources: Reference materials that interest you but are not related to specific projects and areas, or that can be reused for different projects and areas.
Archive: Inactive or completed items from the other categories.
1. Open the Files app
First, open the default Files app. If you have uninstalled it before, you can download it again from the App Store.

2. Create the PARA folders
Next, navigate to where you want to store your files long-term.
If you want to sync across devices, use cloud storage like iCloud or Google Drive. Otherwise, you can store files locally or on an external drive.
In your chosen location, create the four PARA folders: Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive.

3. Add the folders to the sidebar
Make it easier to access files and downloads in each folder by adding them to your Favorites.
Tap and hold on a folder until a menu appears, then select the option to favorite it. This will add the folder to your sidebar under Favorites.

4. Review new files regularly
For most people, the Downloads folder is like your email inbox.
It’s where most files end up, materials downloaded from the internet, documents shared by others, or items saved for later reference.
At the end of each day or week, delete what’s no longer needed and move everything else into one of the PARA folders.

Final Notes
My advice is to review files early when you have time.
This makes the process easier and smoother since you’ll be clearest about why you saved the material and what it’s for.